Title: The Splendor of His Majesty
Series: The Holy One of Israel: Grace, Redemption, and Conquest
Speaker: Coty Pinckney
Scripture: Isaiah 2-4
Come Now, Let Us Reason Together
Title: Come Now, Let Us Reason Together
Series: The Holy One of Israel: Grace, Redemption, and Conquest
Speaker: Coty Pinckney
Scripture: Isaiah 1
Speaking of Sin: Forgiveness, Forbearance, and Truth-Speaking in the Body of Christ
Title: Speaking of Sin: Forgiveness, Forbearance, and Truth-Speaking in the Body of Christ
Speaker: Coty Pinckney
Scripture: Colossians 3:12-17, Galatians 6:1-2, Matthew 18:15-17
The Lord Added to Their Number Daily Those Who Were Being Saved: DGCC in 2012
Title: The Lord Added to Their Number Daily Those Who Were Being Saved: DGCC in 2012
Speaker: Coty Pinckney
Scripture: Acts 2:47 and Psalm 67
Live Free as a Slave of Christ for the Glory of Christ
Title: Live Free as a Slave of Christ for the Glory of Christ
Speaker: Fred Balbuena
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:12