Today’s Expositors’ Quote is from one of the 19th century's greatest American preachers, Phillips Brooks:

Nothing but fire kindles fire. To know in one's whole nature what it is to live by Christ; to be His, not our own; to be so occupied with gratitude for what He did for us and for what He continually is to us that His will and His glory shall be the sole desires of our life . . . that is the first necessity of the preacher.

Phillips Brooks, Lectures on Preaching, originally published in 1877. Republished in 1989 by Kregel under the title The Joy of Preaching. As cited in "The Priority of Prayer in Preaching" by James Rosscup, The Masters Seminary Journal, Spring 1991.

[Oh, Lord, which one of us can say truly that Your glory is the sole desire of our life? Kindle a burning passion for You within each of us, we pray O Lord -- Coty]

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